Elon’s Quest for Open-Source AGI Overlooks Ethical AI Training and User Rights

Elon Musk’s Legal Battle with OpenAI: Implications and Concerns

Elon Musk has initiated legal action against OpenAI, alleging that the company has deviated from its original mission of developing AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) for the benefit of humanity. Carlos E. Perez believes this lawsuit could potentially undermine OpenAI’s standing in the AI market, drawing parallels to WeWork’s downfall.

The Shift to Profit and Its Consequences

OpenAI’s transition to a for-profit model is central to this dispute. The focus on profitability highlights underlying corporate interests and distracts from more pressing issues such as ethical AI training and data management that impact end-users.

Grok vs. ChatGPT: Data Access and Ethical Concerns

Elon Musk’s Grok, a competitor to ChatGPT, leverages real-time data from tweets. Conversely, OpenAI has been criticized for indiscriminately scraping copyrighted data. Recently, Google secured a $60 million deal to access Reddit users’ data for training its AI models, Gemini and Cloud AI.

The Need for Ethical AI Training and User Compensation

Advocating for open-source solutions alone is insufficient to protect users' interests. Meaningful consent and fair compensation for users contributing to AI training data are essential. Emerging platforms that crowdsource AI training data are pivotal in this context.

The Internet's Data Dilemma: Users’ Control and Ownership

Over 5.3 billion people worldwide use the internet, with approximately 93% utilizing centralized social media platforms. Consequently, a significant portion of the 147 billion terabytes of data produced online in 2023 is user-generated, with projections indicating this volume will exceed 180 billion by 2025.

The Reality of Data Exploitation

Despite generating vast amounts of data, users rarely benefit from its use in AI training. The current consent model, typified by the ubiquitous “I Agree” button, fails to provide meaningful control or ownership to users.

Data as the New Oil: The Corporate Grip

Big Tech companies have little incentive to relinquish control over user data. Compensating users for their data would drastically increase the already high costs of training large language models (LLMs), which exceed $100 million. Chris Dixon, in “Read, Write, Own,” argues that allowing a few corporations to control such vast data sets is a fast track to a dystopian future.

Blockchain and the New Era of User Empowerment

The evolution of blockchains as a distributed data layer marks a promising turn for user empowerment. Unlike large corporations, innovative AI companies are adopting these alternatives to improve performance, reduce costs, and ultimately serve humanity better.

Crowdsourcing Data for Ethical AI Training

The traditional Web2 model relies on trust that entities will act ethically. However, human greed often overrides this trust. Web3’s model uses blockchain and cryptography to ensure that participants act ethically by design.

Web3: A Community-Oriented Approach

Web3’s tech stack is fundamentally user-led and community-oriented. It provides tools for users to regain control over their financial, social, and creative data. Blockchains act as distributed, verifiable data layers to settle transactions and establish provenance immutably.

Enhancing Privacy and Security in Data Management

Advancements in privacy and security mechanisms, such as zero-knowledge proofs (zkProofs) and multi-party computation (MPC), allow for secure data validation and sharing. These technologies enable the establishment of truths without revealing the underlying data, crucial for AI training.

Ethical AI Training Through Decentralized Data Sourcing

Web3’s decentralized nature allows for direct connections between data producers (users) and projects needing data for AI training. This eliminates intermediaries, reduces costs, and aligns incentives, enabling projects to compensate users fairly for their contributions.

A Win-Win for Users and Companies

By removing intermediaries, companies can build more accurate AI models using high-quality data validated by humans, while users can earn cryptocurrencies for their data contributions. This model benefits both parties and fosters a more equitable AI ecosystem.

Moving Beyond Open-Source: Embracing Bottom-Up Advancements

Merely advocating for open-source frameworks is insufficient. Ethical AI training requires radical shifts in business models and training frameworks. A grassroots, bottom-up approach is essential to establishing a meritocratic system that values ownership, autonomy, and collaboration.

The Shared Future of AI

These new systems will benefit both large corporations and smaller businesses or individual users. High-quality data, fair prices, and accurate AI models are universally needed. Embracing new-age models with aligned incentives is crucial for the industry's long-term success. The future demands different approaches than those of the past.


What is Elon Musk’s lawsuit against OpenAI about?

Elon Musk’s lawsuit against OpenAI alleges that the company has deviated from its original mission of developing AGI for the benefit of humanity, focusing instead on profit.

Why is ethical AI training important?

Ethical AI training ensures that the development of AI models respects user data rights, includes meaningful consent, and provides fair compensation for data contributions.

How does Web3 improve user data control?

Web3 improves user data control by utilizing blockchain technology to create decentralized, verifiable data layers, giving users ownership and control over their data.

What are zkProofs and MPC?

Zero-knowledge proofs (zkProofs) and multi-party computation (MPC) are advanced privacy and security mechanisms that enable secure data validation and sharing without revealing the actual data.

How can users benefit from contributing data to AI training?

Users can benefit by earning cryptocurrencies or other forms of compensation for their data contributions, fostering a more equitable AI ecosystem.